As the Maharashtra assembly elections approach, Rajasthan Chief Minister Bhajanlal Sharma has launched a strong critique against the Congress party. He accused Congress of being against the Constitution and opposing the removal of Article 370. Sharma claimed that Congress supports terrorism and separatism, citing a recent meeting between Congress MP Rahul Gandhi and individuals who allegedly spoke against India's unity.
Sharma also reminded the public of the 1975 Emergency imposed by Congress, which he described as a time of censorship and government overthrows. He praised the achievements of the BJP-led government under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, highlighting improvements in welfare, development, and India's global standing since 2014.
During his visit to Maharashtra, Sharma attended an event in Solapur. The Maharashtra Assembly elections are set for November 20, with results expected on November 23. In the previous elections, BJP and Shiv Sena secured significant victories, while Congress lagged behind.
The Chief Minister is the head of the government in a state in India. Rajasthan is a state in the northwestern part of India, and Bhajanlal Sharma is the person currently holding this position.
Congress, or the Indian National Congress, is one of the major political parties in India. It has been one of the oldest parties and has played a significant role in India's history.
These are elections held in the state of Maharashtra, which is in the western part of India. People vote to choose their representatives in the state's legislative assembly.
The Emergency was a period from 1975 to 1977 when the Indian government, led by Congress, had special powers to rule by decree. It is often criticized for restricting people's freedoms.
BJP stands for Bharatiya Janata Party, which is another major political party in India. It is currently the ruling party at the national level, led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Shiv Sena is a regional political party in Maharashtra. It has been an ally of the BJP in past elections, and they often work together in the state.
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