Finnish Study Reveals Misconceptions About Depression Diagnosis

Finnish Study Reveals Misconceptions About Depression Diagnosis

Finnish Study Reveals Misconceptions About Depression Diagnosis According to a recent study conducted in Finland, people frequently receive inaccurate information on depression. Researchers from the University of Turku and the University of the Arts Helsinki claim that this misinformation makes it harder for people to understand their distress. Most mental health diagnoses are descriptive. For…

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New Discovery by Dr. Fernando Martinez Estrada and Team on Macrophages Could Revolutionize Medicine

New Discovery by Dr. Fernando Martinez Estrada and Team on Macrophages Could Revolutionize Medicine

New Discovery by Dr. Fernando Martinez Estrada and Team on Macrophages Could Revolutionize Medicine Researchers led by Dr. Fernando Martinez Estrada at the University of Surrey have made a significant breakthrough in understanding macrophages, essential cells in the immune system. They discovered that the protein CSF1R is a reliable marker for identifying macrophages in tissues…

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