In Bengaluru, Karnataka's Home Minister G Parmeshwara discussed the ongoing Waqf land controversy. He mentioned that the department handling Waqf properties might have issued notices, but assured that the issue is nearly resolved. "The concerned department which is handling the Waqf properties, would have given the notice, I don't deny that. The CM has clarified that we have withdrawn the notices which were served to anybody for that matter," Parmeshwara stated.
He emphasized that no further actions will be taken until the matter is clarified or verified. Political tensions between the BJP and Congress have risen due to allegations that the Waqf Board's name was added to property records without notification. The BJP claimed that Waqf's name was added to land records for 44 properties in Vijayapura district without due notice, causing concern among farmers about losing ancestral land.
Karnataka Minister MB Patil announced a task force led by the District Commissioner to investigate, with instructions to cross-reference Waqf and revenue records from 1964 to 1973. Waqf Minister Zameer Ahmed Khan clarified that only 11 acres in Honavada are Waqf property, not 1,200 acres as claimed. Chief Minister Siddaramaiah assured that no farmer would be evicted from their land.
In a joint press conference, the ministers reassured legitimate landowners that they need not fear losing their land. Minister Gowda noted that Vijayapura district had 14,201.32 acres designated as Waqf land.
Karnataka is a state in the southern part of India. It is known for its rich culture, history, and beautiful landscapes.
The Home Minister is a government official responsible for maintaining internal security and law and order in a state or country.
G Parmeshwara is a politician in India who is serving as the Home Minister of Karnataka.
Waqf is a religious endowment in Islam, where property or land is donated for religious or charitable purposes.
BJP stands for Bharatiya Janata Party, which is one of the major political parties in India.
Congress, or the Indian National Congress, is another major political party in India.
A task force is a group of people who are brought together to work on a specific problem or issue.
Zameer Ahmed Khan is a politician in Karnataka who is currently serving as the Waqf Minister.
Siddaramaiah is a senior politician in Karnataka and is currently serving as the Chief Minister, which is like the head of the state government.
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