On Friday, India's External Affairs Minister, S Jaishankar, met with Maldives Foreign Minister, Abdulla Khaleel, in New Delhi. This meeting highlighted the strong relationship between the two countries.
During the meeting, Jaishankar emphasized the signing of a framework to use local currencies for cross-border transactions. He welcomed Khaleel and his delegation, noting that this was Khaleel's first official visit to India. Jaishankar expressed India's commitment to the Maldives, describing it as a key part of India's Neighborhood First policy.
Jaishankar stated, "We have increased our engagements in various sectors. India has always stood by Maldives, and we hope our relationship has helped you navigate through difficult times."
In October 2024, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Maldivian President Mohamed Muizzu held talks to enhance economic and maritime security cooperation. They addressed challenges in the Indian Ocean Region, including piracy, illegal fishing, drug trafficking, and terrorism. India pledged to support the Maldives National Defence Force's 'Ekatha' harbour project at Uthuru Thila Falhu.
S Jaishankar is the External Affairs Minister of India. He is responsible for managing India's foreign relations and international affairs.
Abdulla Khaleel is the Foreign Minister of the Maldives. He works on the Maldives' relationships with other countries.
Bilateral ties refer to the relationship between two countries. In this context, it means the relationship between India and the Maldives.
Local currency use in cross-border transactions means using the money of one's own country when trading with another country. This can make trade easier and cheaper.
The Neighborhood First policy is India's approach to prioritize and strengthen relations with its neighboring countries, like the Maldives.
Maritime security involves protecting the seas and oceans from illegal activities like piracy and smuggling. It is important for safe trade and travel by sea.
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