In New Delhi, former Indian diplomat KP Fabian shared his views on a recent legal development in the United States. A federal judge has temporarily blocked an executive order by US President Donald Trump that aimed to restrict birthright citizenship. Fabian noted that this decision might be followed by other judges, but the matter is expected to reach the Supreme Court. He expressed concern that the majority of Supreme Court judges might be conservative or pro-Trump, potentially upholding the order.
Fabian emphasized that the executive order contradicts the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution. He also mentioned that some expecting mothers are rushing deliveries in the US to secure citizenship for their children, which he advised against due to potential risks.
The temporary block was issued by Judge John Coughenour in Seattle, who described the policy as "blatantly unconstitutional." The restraining order, which lasts 14 days, was a response to a legal challenge led by Washington Attorney General Nick Brown and other Democratic-led states. Judge Coughenour expressed disbelief that the executive order was signed, questioning the legal advice behind it.
The lawsuit argues that Trump's order violates the 14th Amendment, which grants citizenship to all children born on US soil. The Trump administration argues that the amendment allows for the exclusion of children of undocumented immigrants and those without permanent legal status. Justice Department attorney Brett Shumate requested more time for legal briefings, cautioning against a quick decision.
Additional lawsuits have been filed against the executive order by Democratic attorneys general, immigrant rights groups, and individual plaintiffs.
KP Fabian is a former Indian diplomat. Diplomats are people who represent their country in other countries and help maintain good relationships between them.
Birthright citizenship means that if you are born in a country, you automatically become a citizen of that country. In the US, this is guaranteed by the 14th Amendment of the Constitution.
President Trump, who was the President of the United States, made an order to restrict birthright citizenship. This means he wanted to change the rule so not everyone born in the US would automatically become a citizen.
The 14th Amendment is a part of the US Constitution. It says that anyone born in the US is a citizen of the US, which is why birthright citizenship is important.
The Supreme Court is the highest court in the United States. It makes important decisions about laws and can decide if something is constitutional or not.
Conservative judges are judges who often prefer traditional values and may interpret the law in a way that supports those values. In the US, they might support changes to laws like birthright citizenship.
Unconstitutional means that something goes against the rules set by the Constitution, which is the highest law in a country like the US.
A lawsuit is when someone goes to court to solve a disagreement or to stop something they think is wrong. In this case, people are using lawsuits to argue against President Trump's order.
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