In Baramulla, Jammu and Kashmir, the police have arrested three terrorists linked to a grenade attack on the 163 Territorial Army security camp in Hamray Pattan on January 7. The attack, which occurred at 7:40 p.m., caused significant damage but no injuries. Baramulla's Superintendent of Police, Firoz Yehya, confirmed the arrests within 24 hours of the incident.
The police recovered a hand grenade, an AK series rifle, a pistol, 250 live AK rounds, and 21 live pistol rounds from the terrorists. SP Yehya revealed that the mastermind had been evading arrest in a narco-terror case for two years. The other two arrested include a surrendered terrorist and the son of another surrendered terrorist.
Legal proceedings are underway, with an FIR registered against the terrorists. SP Yehya emphasized the commitment to maintaining peace in the district.
Baramulla is a district in the northern part of India, located in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. It is known for its beautiful landscapes and is part of the Kashmir Valley.
Terrorists are people who use violence and fear to achieve their goals, often related to political or religious beliefs. They can cause harm to people and property.
A grenade attack involves using a small bomb called a grenade, which can be thrown by hand. It explodes and can cause damage and injuries.
The 163 Territorial Army is a part of the Indian Army. The Territorial Army is a reserve force that supports the regular army in times of need.
Hamray Pattan is a place in the Baramulla district of Jammu and Kashmir. It is where the grenade attack took place.
An AK series rifle is a type of gun that is often used by military forces. It is known for being powerful and reliable.
A narco-terror case involves illegal activities related to drugs and terrorism. It means using drug money to fund terrorist activities.
FIR stands for First Information Report. It is a document prepared by the police when they receive information about a crime. It is the first step in the legal process.
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