On October 31, Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma, who is also the BJP co-in-charge for the Jharkhand Assembly elections, visited Garhwa, Jharkhand. He inspected the venue where Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set to address a public gathering on November 4. Sarma expressed satisfaction with the arrangements, stating, "PM Narendra Modi will be in Garhwa on 4th November at 10.30 am. People have made good arrangements. I think it will be a good rally."
Sarma raised concerns about alleged infiltration and demographic changes in Jharkhand, emphasizing the need to address those who have entered the state since the Congress' tenure.
During a media interaction in Jamtara, Sarma discussed BJP leader Satyanand Jha's decision to run as an independent candidate in the upcoming assembly polls. Jha was not given a party ticket, leading to his independent candidacy. Sarma mentioned efforts to persuade Jha to withdraw his nomination, offering him a potential position in the state or central government.
Sarma highlighted the importance of BJP forming the government in Jharkhand and expressed hope that Jha would support the party's efforts.
The Chief Minister is the head of the government in an Indian state. Himanta Biswa Sarma is the Chief Minister of Assam, which is a state in the northeastern part of India.
PM Modi refers to Narendra Modi, who is the Prime Minister of India. He is the leader of the country and represents the government at the national level.
Assembly elections are held to choose representatives for the legislative assembly of a state in India. Jharkhand is a state in eastern India, and these elections decide who will govern the state.
BJP stands for Bharatiya Janata Party, which is one of the major political parties in India. It is the party currently in power at the national level, led by PM Modi.
Garhwa is a district in the state of Jharkhand, India. It is the location where PM Modi's rally is being planned.
Infiltration in this context refers to people entering a region or country illegally or without permission. It is often a concern in border areas or regions with security issues.
Satyanand Jha is a leader associated with the BJP in Jharkhand. He decided to run as an independent candidate because he did not get a ticket from the BJP to contest in the elections.
An independent candidacy means a person is running for election without being officially supported by any political party. They contest on their own, without a party's backing.
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