In New Delhi, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar shared his insights on managing stress and achieving success during the launch of Shiv Khera's book 'Live While You're Alive'. He introduced the '3 Cs of success': Contact, Chemistry, and Credibility. Jaishankar explained that knowing more people increases your reach, getting along with people makes them more likely to help you, and being credible ensures people take you seriously.
He emphasized the importance of 'normalizing the abnormal' to handle chronic stress, especially in demanding roles. Jaishankar advised integrating stress into life, like answering late-night calls and continuing with the day.
Author Shiv Khera discussed stress as a 'silent killer' affecting health and relationships. His book focuses on attitude as a tool to overcome stress. Khera, known for his bestseller 'You Can Win', highlighted the importance of taking breaks to prevent breakdowns.
S Jaishankar is India's External Affairs Minister, which means he is responsible for managing India's relationships with other countries.
The '3 Cs of Success' mentioned by S Jaishankar are Contact, Chemistry, and Credibility. These are important qualities or skills that can help someone be successful in life.
Shiv Khera is an Indian author and motivational speaker. He is well-known for his book 'You Can Win', which helps people achieve success through positive thinking.
'Live While You're Alive' is a book written by Shiv Khera. It talks about living life to the fullest and managing stress effectively.
This phrase means getting used to unusual or difficult situations so that they don't cause too much stress or worry.
A 'silent killer' is something that can cause harm or death without showing obvious signs. In this context, stress is called a silent killer because it can harm health without people noticing it immediately.
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