In Karachi, Pakistan, Chinese investors have approached the Sindh High Court with a plea against alleged harassment and extortion by local police. The investors claim that police demand bribes from the airport to their residences, hindering their daily activities. They have addressed their concerns to various authorities, including Pakistan's Federal Ministry of Interior and the Chinese Consulate.
The investors were reportedly invited by Pakistan's leadership, including Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, to invest in the country. Despite this, they face ongoing harassment. The Sindh High Court has issued notices to the respondents, asking for replies within four weeks.
Previously, on December 15, a Chinese company working on the Indus Highway in Kashmore-Kandhkot received an extortion demand from a notorious dacoit. The China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation reported the issue to the Sindh government, revealing that Bandit Budhal demanded PKR 5 million, two mobile phones, and a motorcycle, threatening harm if unmet. The company expressed dissatisfaction with the local administration's protection efforts.
Additionally, an explosion near Jinnah International Airport in Karachi resulted in the death of three Chinese nationals.
These are people or companies from China who put their money into businesses or projects in Pakistan to make a profit.
This is a big and important court in the Sindh province of Pakistan where people go to solve serious legal problems.
This means bothering or troubling someone repeatedly in a way that is not nice or fair.
This is when someone forces another person to give them money or something valuable by threatening them.
These are payments or gifts given to someone to make them do something that is not right or fair.
He is the leader of Pakistan's government, similar to the Prime Minister of India.
This is a term used in South Asia for a bandit or robber who steals from people, often using force.
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