Rajnath Singh and PM Modi Launch BJP’s 2024 Membership Drive

Rajnath Singh and PM Modi Launch BJP’s 2024 Membership Drive

Rajnath Singh and PM Modi Launch BJP’s 2024 Membership Drive

Defence Minister Rajnath Singh has stated that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is not only the world’s largest political party but also the most credible. Speaking at the launch of the BJP’s membership drive, he praised Prime Minister Narendra Modi for addressing the ‘crisis of credibility’ in politics by ensuring the party fulfills its promises.

Rajnath Singh said, ‘Nobody can deny the truth that due to the differences between the words and deeds of politicians, people’s trust in India’s politics and politicians has decreased. The crisis of credibility that arose due to it was accepted as a challenge by PM Narendra Modi. PM Modi has always urged that the manifesto should be carefully prepared; it should not be that we are unable to fulfil what we are saying. There should not be any difference between our words and deeds.’

PM Modi, who renewed his membership, described the drive as an expansion of the BJP family and an ideological movement. He proposed including individuals who support the 33% reservation for women in legislative bodies to ensure its success. ‘This very membership drive isn’t just a ritual. It’s an expansion of our family… It isn’t a game of numbers. It doesn’t matter what numbers we achieve. This membership drive is an ideological and emotional movement,’ he said.

The membership drive will be conducted in two phases: from September 2 to September 25 and from October 1 to October 15, targeting specific milestones to ensure a comprehensive reach across the country.

Doubts Revealed

Rajnath Singh -: Rajnath Singh is India’s Defence Minister. He helps make decisions about the country’s military and defense.

PM Modi -: PM Modi is short for Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He is the leader of India and makes important decisions for the country.

BJP -: BJP stands for Bharatiya Janata Party. It is one of the major political parties in India.

2024 Membership Drive -: A membership drive is when a group tries to get more people to join them. The BJP is trying to get more members for the 2024 elections.

credibility -: Credibility means being trusted and believed in. The BJP wants people to trust them and believe in their promises.

ideological movement -: An ideological movement is a group effort based on shared ideas and beliefs. The BJP wants people to join because they share the same ideas.

33% reservation for women -: 33% reservation for women means that 33 out of every 100 seats in legislative bodies should be saved for women. This helps ensure women have a fair chance to participate in politics.

legislative bodies -: Legislative bodies are groups of people who make laws. In India, this includes the Parliament and state assemblies.

two phases -: Two phases means the membership drive will happen in two parts. This helps them reach more people across the country.

comprehensive national reach -: Comprehensive national reach means they want to connect with people all over India, not just in one area.

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