Prime Minister Narendra Modi will attend the Constitution Day celebrations on Tuesday at the Supreme Court of India. This event marks 75 years since the adoption of the Indian Constitution. During the ceremony, Prime Minister Modi will release the annual report of the Indian Judiciary for 2023-24 and deliver a speech.
The event is organized by the Supreme Court of India, with the Chief Justice of India and other esteemed judges in attendance. The central government has decided to observe Constitution Day throughout the year, focusing on educating citizens about the Constitution drafting committee, Dr. BR Ambedkar's pivotal role, and the contributions of the 15 women involved in drafting the Constitution.
Union Minister of State for Law & Justice, Arjun Ram Meghwal, announced a year-long campaign titled 'Hamara Samvidhan, Hamara Swabhiman' to commemorate this milestone. The campaign aims to reach every district and village, promoting awareness of constitutional values and the legacy of significant figures like Dr. BR Ambedkar.
The campaign began with its first regional event in Bikaner, inaugurated by Chief Justice DY Chandrachud in March 2024. Subsequent events have been held in Bikaner, Prayagraj, and Guwahati, focusing on engaging diverse communities, especially in the Northeast, to promote an understanding of the Constitution across India.
Adopted on November 26, 1949, and effective from January 26, 1950, the Indian Constitution is the foundational document defining India's democratic, secular, and egalitarian framework. Over the past seven decades, it has guided the nation through political, social, and economic transformations, upholding justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity.
Narendra Modi is the current Prime Minister of India, which means he is the head of the government and makes important decisions for the country.
The Indian Constitution is a set of rules and principles that guide how India is governed. It was adopted 75 years ago, in 1949, and this celebration marks its long-standing importance.
The Supreme Court is the highest court in India. It makes important decisions about laws and justice in the country.
Constitution Day is celebrated on November 26th every year in India to honor the adoption of the Indian Constitution.
This is a report that gives information about the work and activities of the courts in India over the past year.
Dr. BR Ambedkar was a very important leader in India who helped write the Indian Constitution. He worked hard for the rights of people who were treated unfairly.
This is a campaign name in Hindi, meaning 'Our Constitution, Our Pride,' aimed at teaching people about the importance of the Constitution.
These are activities or programs held in different parts of India to involve local communities in celebrating and learning about the Constitution.
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