In Balochistan, Pakistan, the human rights wing of the Baloch National Movement, known as Paank, has condemned the enforced disappearance of two individuals. The victims, Sakim Feroz, a Political Science student at the University of Turbat, and his cousin, Anayat Sawali, were reportedly taken by Pakistani security forces at the Pidrak checkpoint during their journey from Turbat to Jamak.
Paank expressed deep concern over these disappearances, highlighting them as severe violations of fundamental human rights and international law. They emphasized the right to liberty, security, and protection from arbitrary detention. The increase in such incidents in regions like Jamak and Gowerkop reflects a troubling culture of impunity in Balochistan.
Paank has urged Pakistani authorities to disclose the whereabouts of Sakim Feroz and Anayat Sawali, ensure their safety, and hold those responsible accountable. They called on human rights defenders, civil society organizations, and the global community to demand justice and accountability for the people of Balochistan.
Additionally, the Balochistan Post reported another incident where Pakistani security forces allegedly detained and disappeared an elderly man named Allah Bakhsh in the Awaran district.
Balochistan is a region in Pakistan. It is known for its rich natural resources and has a history of political unrest.
The Baloch National Movement is a political organization that seeks to represent the interests of the Baloch people. They often speak out against human rights violations in Balochistan.
Enforced disappearance is when someone is secretly taken away by authorities or groups, and their whereabouts are kept hidden. It is considered a serious violation of human rights.
Human rights are basic rights and freedoms that belong to every person in the world. They include the right to life, freedom, and personal security.
A checkpoint is a place where people are stopped and checked by authorities. The Pidrak checkpoint is a specific location in Balochistan where the incident occurred.
Global action means efforts made by countries and organizations around the world to address a problem. In this context, it refers to taking steps to stop human rights violations.
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