West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee celebrated Kali Puja and Diwali at her home in Kolkata. The city was vibrant with decorations and bustling markets as people prepared for the festivities by buying sweets, diyas, and festive clothing. Park Street in Kolkata was beautifully adorned with LED lights for the occasion.
Kali Puja, also known as Shyama Puja, is an important Hindu festival, especially in West Bengal. It honors Goddess Kali, representing the victory of good over evil. The festival is also celebrated in Bihar, Odisha, Assam, Tripura, and parts of Maharashtra.
In Ayodhya, the 'Deepotsav-2024' celebrations set two Guinness World Records. The Saryu River was lit with over 25 lakh diyas, marking the largest display of oil lamps. Additionally, a record was set for the most people performing diya rotation simultaneously.
Mamata Banerjee is the Chief Minister of West Bengal, a state in India. She is a political leader and the head of the Trinamool Congress party.
Kali Puja is a festival celebrated in honor of Goddess Kali, who is a powerful deity in Hinduism. It is especially important in West Bengal and symbolizes the victory of good over evil.
Diwali, also known as the Festival of Lights, is a major Hindu festival celebrated across India. It involves lighting lamps, bursting fireworks, and sharing sweets to celebrate the victory of light over darkness.
Kolkata is the capital city of the Indian state of West Bengal. It is known for its rich culture, history, and festivals.
Ayodhya is a city in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. It is an important religious site for Hindus and is known for its grand celebrations during festivals like Diwali.
Guinness World Records is a book that lists world records of human achievements and the extremes of the natural world. It is known for documenting amazing feats and accomplishments.
Deepotsav is a grand celebration of Diwali in Ayodhya, where many lamps are lit to create a beautiful display. In 2024, they set records for lighting a large number of lamps and having many people participate in the event.
The Saryu River is a river that flows through the city of Ayodhya. It is considered sacred in Hinduism and is often associated with religious events and festivals.
Diyas are small oil lamps made of clay, used in India during festivals like Diwali. They are lit to symbolize the victory of light over darkness.
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