In Hyderabad, Telangana, a 33-year-old woman named Reshma Begum tragically passed away, and 15 others fell ill due to food poisoning. This occurred after they consumed momos from a single street vendor in various locations under the Banjara Hills police station area.
The local police have initiated an investigation into the incident. Ram Babu, the Sub-inspector of Banjara Hills Police Station, confirmed that a case has been registered and the matter is being thoroughly investigated. Further updates are awaited as the investigation continues.
Hyderabad is a big city in India, known for its rich history, culture, and delicious food. It's the capital of the Indian state of Telangana.
Food poisoning happens when someone eats food that has harmful germs or toxins. It can make people feel very sick, with symptoms like stomach pain, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Momos are a type of dumpling that is very popular in India and other parts of Asia. They are usually filled with vegetables or meat and are often steamed or fried.
Banjara Hills is a well-known area in Hyderabad. It is famous for its upscale neighborhoods, shopping centers, and restaurants.
A sub-inspector is a rank in the police force. They help investigate crimes and maintain law and order in their area.
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