On Friday morning, a fire erupted in a flat located in Delhi's Vikaspuri area. The Delhi Fire Service (DFS) responded quickly, rescuing two unconscious individuals from the apartment. They had to break a window to gain entry. The fire is believed to have started from household items, but the exact cause remains unknown.
In a separate incident on Thursday evening, a fire broke out on a Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) bus in the Dwarka district. According to the Delhi police, the fire was caused by a passenger carrying a small quantity of firecrackers, which ignited on the bus. Both the passenger and a co-passenger sustained minor burn injuries and were taken to IGI Hospital. The Deputy Commissioner of Police, Dwarka, confirmed that no explosion occurred, and further investigations are ongoing.
Vikaspuri is a residential area located in the western part of Delhi, India. It is known for its apartments and local markets.
DTC stands for Delhi Transport Corporation, which operates public buses in Delhi. These buses are used by many people to travel around the city.
Dwarka is a sub-city located in the southwest part of Delhi. It is a well-planned area with many residential and commercial buildings.
The Delhi Fire Service is a government organization responsible for responding to fire emergencies in Delhi. They help rescue people and control fires to prevent damage.
Firecrackers are small explosive devices used for celebrations, especially during festivals like Diwali in India. They make loud noises and bright lights when ignited.
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