On Thursday, Union Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan, accompanied by his wife, visited the Kamakhya Temple in Guwahati, Assam. The temple, located atop the Nilachal hills, is a revered site dedicated to Goddess Kamakhya and is central to the Kulachara Tantra Marga tradition.
After offering prayers, Chouhan expressed his hopes for the nation's progress and the well-being of its citizens. He wished for peace and harmony to prevail across the country.
Earlier, Chouhan emphasized the importance of environmental conservation. He highlighted the urgent need to address environmental issues to ensure a livable planet for future generations. Chouhan has committed to planting a sapling every day since February 19, 2021, as part of his personal initiative to inspire others to take action.
A Union Minister is a person who is part of the central government in India and is responsible for specific areas like education, health, or finance. They help make important decisions for the country.
Shivraj Singh Chouhan is an Indian politician who has served as the Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh, a state in India. He is a member of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).
The Kamakhya Temple is a famous Hindu temple located in Guwahati, Assam, India. It is known for its Tantric worship and is dedicated to the goddess Kamakhya.
Guwahati is a large city in the northeastern part of India, in the state of Assam. It is known for its rich culture and historical sites.
Tantric worship is a type of religious practice in Hinduism that involves rituals and meditation to connect with divine energies. It is often associated with the worship of goddesses.
Environmental conservation means protecting and preserving the natural environment, like forests, rivers, and wildlife, to ensure that the Earth remains healthy and livable for future generations.
A sapling is a young tree that is small and still growing. Planting saplings helps in increasing greenery and improving the environment.
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