In New Delhi, Union Minister Arjun Ram Meghwal emphasized the importance of 'ease of justice' as part of 'ease of living' during the Legal Services Day event. The event, organized by the National Legal Services Authority (NALSA), was attended by notable figures including Justice Sanjiv Khanna and Justice B.R. Gavai from the Supreme Court of India.
Minister Meghwal praised legal services institutions and assured continued support from the Ministry of Law and Justice to NALSA's efforts in providing equal access to justice for marginalized communities.
Justice Sanjiv Khanna commended the dedication of legal aid functionaries and shared insights on the current legal services framework and future initiatives by NALSA.
Justice B.R. Gavai, soon to be Executive Chairman of NALSA, highlighted the organization's role in recognizing citizens' rights and ensuring a smooth legal aid process. He also announced an increase in panel lawyers to expand legal services.
The event celebrated the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987, which aims to provide free legal services to disadvantaged groups. Member Secretaries from various State Legal Services Authorities shared their experiences and challenges in delivering justice.
NALSA's Special Newsletter was released, showcasing ongoing efforts in promoting justice. New schemes for child-friendly legal services and services for persons with mental illness were unveiled, along with a training module on the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act.
A Union Minister is a person who is part of the central government in India and is responsible for a specific department or ministry. They help make important decisions for the country.
Arjun Ram Meghwal is an Indian politician who serves as a Union Minister. He works with the government to help improve the country.
Ease of Justice means making it easier for people to get help from the law and courts. It is about ensuring that everyone can access justice without too much trouble.
Legal Services Day is a special day in India to raise awareness about the legal rights of people and to provide free legal services to those who need them.
NALSA stands for National Legal Services Authority. It is an organization in India that helps provide free legal services to people who cannot afford them.
Supreme Court Justices are judges who work in the highest court in India, the Supreme Court. They make important decisions on legal cases that affect the whole country.
Marginalized communities are groups of people who may not have the same opportunities or resources as others. They often need extra help to ensure they are treated fairly.
Panel lawyers are a group of lawyers who are selected to provide legal services, often for free, to people who need help but cannot afford to pay for it.
A newsletter is a small publication that shares news and updates about a particular topic or organization. It helps keep people informed about recent activities and developments.
Legal service schemes are programs designed to provide legal help and support to people, especially those who cannot afford it. These schemes aim to make justice accessible to everyone.
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