UAE’s Operation Chivalrous Knight 3 Delivers Vital Medical Supplies to Gaza

UAE’s Operation Chivalrous Knight 3 Delivers Vital Medical Supplies to Gaza

UAE’s Operation Chivalrous Knight 3 Delivers Vital Medical Supplies to Gaza

The UAE, through its humanitarian arm Operation Chivalrous Knight 3, has delivered tons of medical supplies and medications to hospitals and healthcare facilities across Gaza Strip to address the catastrophic medical situation.

Due to the ongoing situation in the Strip, a significant number of hospitals have gone out of service, hindering their ability to treat the wounded. This week, the Operation promptly delivered 20 tons of essential medical supplies and medications to Doctors Without Borders, the Red Cross, and Al Awda Hospital, among others.

This aid is crucial for continuing medical services following the collapse of Gaza’s healthcare system, with total aid now exceeding 400 tons. The medical aid includes medications for the elderly, such as those for blood pressure, diabetes, and cholesterol; heart medications, pain relievers, antibiotics, respiratory and digestive system drugs; essential children’s medications; ointments for skin diseases, and various first aid supplies.

Previously, Operation Chivalrous Knight 3 has supported all Gaza hospitals with medical supplies, ambulances, and equipment, enhancing hospital capacity and service quality for displaced persons. This came after the entry of medical supplies was halted due to the dire conditions in the Strip.

This response highlights the UAE’s commitment to swiftly addressing the needs of the Palestinian people, reflecting its longstanding dedication to providing timely and necessary assistance.

Doubts Revealed

UAE -: UAE stands for the United Arab Emirates, a country in the Middle East known for its rich culture and modern cities like Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

Operation Chivalrous Knight 3 -: Operation Chivalrous Knight 3 is a mission by the UAE to help people in need by sending important supplies, like medical items, to places that need them.

Gaza -: Gaza is a small region in the Middle East where many people live. It has been facing many problems, including a lack of medical supplies.

Doctors Without Borders -: Doctors Without Borders is a group of doctors and nurses who travel around the world to help people who are sick or hurt, especially in places with few medical resources.

Red Cross -: The Red Cross is an international organization that helps people in emergencies, like natural disasters or wars, by providing medical care and other support.

Al Awda Hospital -: Al Awda Hospital is a hospital in Gaza that provides medical care to people who are sick or injured.

Healthcare system collapse -: Healthcare system collapse means that the hospitals and clinics in Gaza are not able to take care of all the sick and injured people because they don’t have enough supplies or doctors.

Medications for the elderly -: Medications for the elderly are special medicines that help older people stay healthy and treat their illnesses.

Commitment to supporting the Palestinian people -: Commitment to supporting the Palestinian people means that the UAE is dedicated to helping the people who live in Palestine, especially when they are in trouble or need help.

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