In Damoh, Madhya Pradesh, a heartbreaking incident occurred when a fire broke out in a hut, resulting in the death of two young sisters and leaving another critically injured. The family, who worked as laborers, was boiling potatoes inside their straw and grass hut when the fire started. The three sisters, Jahnvi (3), Kirti (2), and Malti (6 months), were playing nearby. Tragically, Jahnvi and Kirti succumbed to severe burns, while Malti is fighting for her life on oxygen support.
Damoh District Magistrate Sudhir Kochar explained that the fire began while the family was having a meal. Jahnvi was the first to catch fire, and her sisters were burned while trying to save her. Dr. Chakresh Kumar from the District Hospital confirmed that all three children were 100% burned, with two brought in deceased and one in critical condition.
Chief Minister Mohan Yadav expressed his sorrow over the tragedy and announced financial aid. The government will provide Rs 2 lakh each for the families of the deceased girls and Rs 1 lakh for the injured child.
Damoh is a district in the state of Madhya Pradesh, which is located in central India. It is known for its historical and cultural significance.
Madhya Pradesh is a large state in central India. It is known for its rich history, wildlife, and cultural heritage.
A District Magistrate is an important government official in charge of administration and law and order in a district. They ensure that government policies are implemented effectively.
The Chief Minister is the head of the government in an Indian state. They are responsible for making important decisions and policies for the state's development.
Financial aid is money given by the government or other organizations to help people in need. In this case, it is given to support the family affected by the fire.
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