The Uttar Pradesh Police have arrested Shahbaz, an accused involved in violent incidents in Sambhal district on November 24, 2024. The violence included stone pelting, burning of a police bike, and looting of police equipment near the Jama Masjid area.
According to the police, Shahbaz admitted to firing at the police with the intent to kill. An illegal 12-bore pistol, along with cartridges, was recovered from him. Shahbaz confessed to attacking policemen and setting their motorcycles on fire. After the incident, he fled to Delhi, where his companion Adnan was arrested.
Shahbaz was apprehended while appearing in court for a case related to Adnan. Previously, 50 individuals were arrested in connection with the violence, and the search continues for 91 more suspects. Sambhal Superintendent Krishnan Kumar Bishnoi stated that investigations are ongoing to identify all involved and understand the incident's cause.
This arrest follows recent unrest during an Archaeological Survey of India survey of a Mughal-era mosque, which resulted in four deaths and injuries among police and locals.
Shahbaz is a person who was involved in violent activities in Sambhal, a place in Uttar Pradesh, India. He was arrested by the police for his actions.
Sambhal is a district in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. It is one of the places where the violent incidents took place.
The Uttar Pradesh Police is the law enforcement agency responsible for maintaining law and order in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. They arrested Shahbaz for his involvement in the violence.
An illegal pistol is a gun that someone is not allowed to have because they do not have the proper permission or license. Shahbaz was found with such a pistol.
Delhi is the capital city of India. Shahbaz fled to Delhi after the violent incidents in Sambhal.
Adnan is a companion of Shahbaz who was also involved in the incidents. He was arrested in Delhi.
A court case is a legal process where a judge decides if someone has broken the law. Shahbaz was caught while attending a court case related to his companion Adnan.
Investigations are the process of looking into something carefully to find out the truth. The police are investigating to find everyone involved in the violence.
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