On the eve of Diwali, Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann announced a 4% increase in Dearness Allowance for government employees and matching Dearness Relief for pensioners. This increase raises the allowance from 38% to 42%, benefiting over 6.50 lakh employees and pensioners in the state. The change will take effect from November 1, 2024.
In a message shared on X, Mann expressed his wishes for a happy Diwali, stating, "A small gift from me to the employees on the occasion of Diwali."
Diwali, known as the 'Festival of Lights,' is celebrated across India, symbolizing the victory of light over darkness and good over evil. The five-day festivities begin with Dhanteras and end with Bhai Dooj. Families decorate their homes with lamps, share sweets, and participate in various joyous activities, promoting unity and hope.
Punjab CM stands for Punjab Chief Minister. The Chief Minister is the head of the government in the Indian state of Punjab. Currently, Bhagwant Mann is the Chief Minister.
Bhagwant Mann is a politician and the current Chief Minister of Punjab, a state in India. He is responsible for making important decisions for the state.
Dearness Allowance is a type of payment given to government employees in India to help them cope with inflation. It is a percentage of their basic salary.
Dearness Relief is similar to Dearness Allowance but is given to pensioners, who are retired government employees. It helps them manage the rising cost of living.
Diwali is a major festival in India, celebrated by lighting lamps, sharing sweets, and enjoying fireworks. It symbolizes the victory of light over darkness and good over evil.
In India, 'lakh' is a unit equal to 100,000. So, 6.50 lakh means 650,000. This number refers to the employees and pensioners who will benefit from the allowance increase.
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