Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived in Poland for a two-day visit, marking the first visit by an Indian Prime Minister in 45 years. He laid wreaths at the Jam Saheb of Nawanagar Memorial, Kolhapur Memorial, and Cassino Memorial in Warsaw, commemorating the deep historical ties between India and Poland.
At the Kolhapur Memorial, PM Modi paid tribute to the generosity of the state of Kolhapur in Maharashtra, which sheltered Polish women and children during World War II. The monument symbolizes the enduring friendship between India and Poland.
Randhir Jaiswal, spokesperson for the Ministry of External Affairs, highlighted the significance of the Kolhapur Memorial in a post on X, emphasizing the deep and enduring friendship between the two nations.
A Polish citizen expressed gratitude to PM Modi, recalling the hardships faced during World War II and the shelter provided by India. Tomek Gutowski, son of a Polish child who found refuge in India, shared his father's story of survival and the warmth he felt towards India.
PM Modi also visited the Jam Saheb of Nawanagar Memorial, dedicated to Maharaja Jam Saheb Digvijaysinhji Ranjitsinhji, who established a camp for Polish refugee children in Jamnagar during World War II. The Maharaja's efforts are commemorated in Warsaw's 'Good Maharaja Square.'
PM Modi laid a wreath at the Monument to the Battle of Monte Cassino, honoring the victory of the Second Polish Corps during World War II. The monument commemorates the soldiers' bravery and sacrifice.
Members of the Indian diaspora greeted PM Modi warmly, raising slogans and performing in colorful Indian attire. PM Modi appreciated the performance and took photos with the artists.
During his visit, PM Modi will meet with Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk and President Andrzej Duda. Following his visit to Poland, PM Modi will travel to Ukraine at the invitation of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, marking the first-ever visit by an Indian Prime Minister to Ukraine.
He is the leader of India, like a head teacher in a school but for the whole country.
Poland is a country in Europe, far away from India.
This is a special place in Poland that remembers a kind Indian king who helped Polish children during World War II.
This is another special place in Poland that remembers the help given by people from Kolhapur, a place in India, during World War II.
This is a place in Poland that remembers soldiers who fought in a big battle during World War II.
He is the President of Ukraine, another country in Europe.
This was a big war that happened a long time ago, from 1939 to 1945, involving many countries around the world.
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