In Gwadar, Balochistan, police conducted a raid on a bookstall linked to the "Balochistan Kitaab Karwaan" initiative, organized by the Baloch Students Action Committee (BSAC). During the raid, authorities confiscated books and detained several students present at the stall, taking them and the materials to the police station.
The BSAC quickly condemned the raid, describing it as an attack on education and free expression. They issued a statement criticizing the action, questioning the legality of reading and teaching books, and highlighting the irony of Gwadar being promoted as a symbol of progress while educational activities are disrupted.
The committee pointed out the paradox of authorities targeting young people spreading knowledge through books, while serious social issues like drug use and crime persist in the city. They accused the government of discouraging education among Baloch youth as part of a broader pattern of harassment.
Despite the intimidation, the BSAC vowed to continue promoting education and demanded the immediate release of the detained students and the return of the confiscated books. They called for an end to the harassment of Baloch youth, emphasizing their commitment to spreading education.
Balochistan is a province in Pakistan. It is known for its diverse culture and is the largest province by area in the country.
Gwadar is a port city in Balochistan, Pakistan. It is an important location because of its strategic position near the Arabian Sea.
Kitaab Karwaan means 'Book Caravan' in English. It is an initiative to promote reading and education by distributing books.
The Baloch Students Action Committee is a group formed by students in Balochistan. They work to support educational activities and rights for Baloch students.
Confiscated means to take something away, usually by authority or force. In this case, the police took away books from the bookstall.
Detained means to hold someone back or keep them in custody. Here, it means the police took some students and kept them from leaving.
Progressive means moving forward or improving. In this context, it refers to making Gwadar a better place with more opportunities, especially in education.
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