At the annual R&D Forum in Tokyo, NTT introduced groundbreaking advancements in telecommunications, focusing on their Innovative Optical and Wireless Network (IOWN) technology. This technology promises to transform data transmission with its high-speed capabilities, massive capacity, and reduced energy consumption.
Souichiro Usui from NTT outlined the IOWN roadmap, which is divided into four stages. IOWN1.0 connects data centers using optical technology. IOWN2.0 extends optical technology into computers, connecting server boards. IOWN3.0 links packages with optical technology, and IOWN4.0 connects the inside of chips. The goal is to create an economical network infrastructure by distributing data centers and enabling GPU computing across multiple locations.
Takuro Fujii highlighted the Photonics and Electronics Convergence (PEC) device, which converts electrical signals into photonics for communication. This innovation aims to transition from long-distance to short-distance communication, reducing power consumption and increasing data transmission speed.
Takanori Nagai demonstrated the Access Point Network (APN), which significantly reduces data replication time between Japan and Taiwan from 2 minutes and 25 seconds to just 54 seconds. This reduction can prevent economic losses in the financial industry by shortening transaction durations.
The first phase of IOWN technology is already enhancing data center communication and is expected to revolutionize various industries, impacting everyday life.
NTT is a big company in Japan that works with technology and communication. They help people talk to each other using phones and the internet.
R&D Forum is a special event where companies show new ideas and inventions. R&D stands for Research and Development, which means creating new things.
IOWN stands for Innovative Optical and Wireless Network. It's a new way to send data faster and use less energy.
Data centers are big buildings with lots of computers that store and manage information for the internet and other services.
Optical technology uses light to send information. It's like using a flashlight to send messages very quickly.
Photonics is the science of using light to do things like send information or make devices work.
Electronics convergence means combining different electronic technologies to make them work better together.
An Access Point Network helps connect devices to the internet, like how your phone connects to Wi-Fi.
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