Migratory Birds Arrive Early at Chilka Lake, Odisha

Migratory Birds Arrive Early at Chilka Lake, Odisha

Migratory Birds Arrive Early at Chilka Lake, Odisha

Migratory birds have arrived at Chilka Lake in Odisha a month earlier than usual. The Chilika Wildlife Division, led by Divisional Forest Officer Amlan Nayak, has taken several measures to protect these birds.

Early Arrival of Birds

Chilka Lake, the largest brackish water lake in Asia, usually sees migratory birds at the end of October. However, this year, the birds have arrived a month early.

Protection Measures

The Chilika Wildlife Division has set up camps to protect the birds. These camps will be active from October 2024 to March 2025. Local community members and forest staff will monitor the camps, ensuring zero tolerance for poaching. Patrolling has been intensified, and boats have been hired for this purpose.

Bird Census and Health Precautions

A bird census will be conducted by December or January. Last year, over 1.1 million birds were recorded, and similar numbers are expected this year. Precautions for bird flu have also been taken, and any incidents will be promptly reported.

Birds’ Origin and Congregation

Migratory birds come from regions like the Caspian, Siberia, Kazakhstan, Baikal Lake, and remote areas of Russia and neighboring countries. They gather in the wetlands of the Nalabana Bird Sanctuary and Mangalajodi village on the banks of Chilka Lake.

Doubts Revealed

Migratory Birds -: Migratory birds are birds that travel from one place to another at certain times of the year. They usually move to find better weather or more food.

Chilka Lake -: Chilka Lake is a large lake in the state of Odisha, India. It is famous for being a home to many different kinds of birds, especially during the winter.

Odisha -: Odisha is a state on the eastern coast of India. It is known for its rich culture, temples, and natural beauty.

Chilika Wildlife Division -: The Chilika Wildlife Division is a group of people who work to protect the animals and birds living in and around Chilka Lake.

Divisional Forest Officer -: A Divisional Forest Officer, like Amlan Nayak, is a person in charge of taking care of forests and wildlife in a certain area.

Camps -: Camps are temporary places set up by the Chilika Wildlife Division where people can stay to watch over and protect the birds.

Poaching -: Poaching means illegally hunting or capturing animals. It is against the law and harmful to wildlife.

Patrolling -: Patrolling means regularly walking or driving around an area to make sure everything is safe and no one is breaking the rules.

Bird Census -: A bird census is a count of the number of birds in a certain area. It helps scientists know how many birds are there and if their numbers are going up or down.

1.1 million birds -: 1.1 million birds means 11 lakh birds. It is a very large number of birds that were counted at Chilka Lake last year.

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