In Leeds, UK, Mahmood Kashmiri, Chairman of the Jammu Kashmir National Independence Alliance (JKNIA), passionately advocated for justice and fundamental rights in Pakistan-occupied Jammu and Kashmir (PoJK). The event, organized by the Joint Awami Action Committee (AJK) and allied groups, gathered Kashmiri activists and community leaders to address the region's challenges.
Kashmiri criticized the poor conditions in PoJK's healthcare and education sectors, noting the absence of conventional hospitals and a proper education system. He praised young Kashmiris for their courage in raising awareness about these issues.
He urged attendees to stay united and committed to their cause, recalling past protests and advocacy efforts at the United Nations. Despite threats, including 'fatwas' against him, Kashmiri vowed to continue the fight for justice.
The meeting served as a rallying point for Kashmiris in PoJK and the diaspora, encouraging them to persist in their struggle for human rights and systemic reforms.
Mahmood Kashmiri is a leader who is concerned about the rights and justice for people living in a region called Pakistan-occupied Jammu and Kashmir. He is the Chairman of an organization that wants independence for Jammu and Kashmir.
This is a part of the larger region of Jammu and Kashmir, which is currently under the control of Pakistan. There are issues related to governance, healthcare, and education in this area.
Leeds is a city in the United Kingdom. It is known for its universities, cultural events, and as a place where people from different countries come together to discuss important issues.
This is a group that wants Jammu and Kashmir to be independent. They work towards getting more rights and better living conditions for the people in that region.
Human rights are basic rights and freedoms that belong to every person in the world. They include things like the right to live freely, to have an education, and to be treated fairly.
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