Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis recently held a meeting at the Sahyadri State Guest House in Mumbai to review the cultural affairs department's plans for the upcoming 100 days. During the meeting, he emphasized the need for a single-window online system to streamline film shooting permissions in Maharashtra.
CM Fadnavis also discussed the celebration of the tricentenary year of Punyashlok Ahilyadevi Holkar. He proposed organizing programs in schools and colleges to highlight her contributions and suggested the production of a commercial feature film about her life, with government grants to support the project.
Additionally, the Chief Minister directed that rental costs for Marathi films at the Goregaon film city be reduced to encourage local filmmaking. Under the 'Har Ghar Samvidhan' initiative, he stressed the importance of ensuring that the constitution reaches every household in the state.
The meeting was attended by several ministers and senior officials, including Dhananjay Munde, Ashish Shelar, Jaikumar Gore, Sanjay Savkare, Pratap Sarnaik, MoS Yogesh Kadam, Chief Secretary Sujata Saunik, and others.
Maharashtra is a state in the western part of India. It is known for its rich culture, history, and is home to the city of Mumbai, which is the financial capital of India.
CM stands for Chief Minister, who is the head of the government in a state in India. Devendra Fadnavis is the Chief Minister of Maharashtra.
Devendra Fadnavis is an Indian politician who has served as the Chief Minister of Maharashtra. He is a member of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).
Punyashlok Ahilyadevi Holkar was a famous queen of the Malwa kingdom in India. She is remembered for her wisdom, administrative skills, and contributions to building temples and dharmashalas (rest houses).
Tricentenary means the 300th anniversary of an event. In this context, it refers to the 300th birth anniversary of Ahilyadevi Holkar.
Goregaon film city, also known as Film City, is a large film studio complex in Mumbai, Maharashtra. It is a popular location for shooting Bollywood movies and TV shows.
Har Ghar Samvidhan is an initiative aimed at spreading awareness about the Indian Constitution to every household. 'Samvidhan' means Constitution in Hindi.
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