The Maha Kumbh 2025 festivities have kicked off in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, with devotees participating in morning Ganga 'aartis' across the Sangam flood plains. A special Ganga Aarti was held at Triveni Sangam, serving as a rehearsal for the upcoming Kumbh Mela. Pradeep Pandey, a local priest, emphasized the inclusivity of Sanatana Dharma, with boys and girls performing different aartis.
The Maha Kumbh, celebrated every 12 years, will see a large influx of devotees from January 13 to February 26. Key bathing rituals, known as Shahi Snan, are scheduled for January 14, January 29, and February 3. To ensure safety, the district administration has introduced new fire stations and deployed 365 vehicles for quick response. Awareness campaigns and mock drills are being conducted to educate the public on handling fire incidents.
ADG Fire Padmaja Chauhan highlighted the use of technological tools, including Quick Response Vehicles, ATVs, firefighting robots, and fire mist bikes. Firefighting boats will also be available, using river water to extinguish fires.
In a digital advancement, the North Central Railway's Prayagraj division has launched a QR code-based ticketing system. Railway personnel in green jackets will assist pilgrims in downloading the UTS mobile app for unreserved ticket booking, reducing station crowding and enhancing the travel experience with digital payments.
Maha Kumbh is a big religious festival in India that happens every 12 years. People gather to take a holy dip in rivers like the Ganga to wash away their sins.
Ganga Aarti is a special prayer ceremony performed on the banks of the river Ganga. It involves lighting lamps and singing hymns to honor the river.
Prayagraj is a city in India where the rivers Ganga, Yamuna, and Saraswati meet. It is a holy place for Hindus and hosts the Kumbh Mela.
Triveni Sangam is the point where three rivers, Ganga, Yamuna, and the mythical Saraswati, meet. It is considered a very sacred place in Hinduism.
Kumbh Mela is a large religious gathering in India where millions of people come to bathe in sacred rivers. It is one of the biggest festivals in the world.
QR code-based ticketing is a modern way to buy train tickets using a smartphone. You scan a special code to get your ticket, making travel easier and faster.
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