Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav recently held a meeting with senior officials to review preparations for the upcoming Makar Sankranti festival. He emphasized the importance of focusing on women empowerment during the celebrations. The festival will include the distribution of sesame, jaggery, bracelets, and Suhaag materials to women at district-level events. Additionally, the January installment of the Ladli Behna Yojana will be transferred to eligible women.
The main event will take place in each district, featuring cultural programs and sports competitions. Jankalyan camps will be organized from January 12 to 14, with various Makar Sankranti-related activities. CM Yadav also reviewed paddy procurement, stressing the need for immediate transportation due to changing weather conditions and resolving any pending payment issues for farmers.
Regarding the Jan Kalyan Abhiyan, CM Yadav highlighted the importance of addressing public difficulties promptly. He instructed collectors to monitor progress and ensure all eligible beneficiaries receive government scheme benefits. Activities under the Mukhya Mantri Jan Kalyan Abhiyan will be registered on a designated portal for tracking.
For Youth Day on January 12, CM Yadav directed collectors to coordinate with public representatives for a grand celebration of Swami Vivekananda Jayanti. Students across the state will participate in collective Surya Namaskar and Pranayam, with educational and cultural programs organized to raise awareness of Swami Vivekananda's personality.
Madhya Pradesh is a state in central India. It is known for its rich history, culture, and natural beauty.
Makar Sankranti is a Hindu festival celebrated in India, marking the transition of the sun into the zodiac sign of Capricorn. It is a harvest festival and is celebrated with kite flying, bonfires, and feasts.
Mohan Yadav is the Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh, a leader responsible for the administration of the state.
Women empowerment means giving women the power and opportunities to make their own decisions and have equal rights in society.
Ladli Behna Yojana is a government scheme in Madhya Pradesh aimed at supporting women by providing financial assistance to improve their lives.
Jankalyan camps are events organized to provide public services and benefits to people, ensuring their welfare and well-being.
Paddy procurement refers to the process of buying rice crops from farmers by the government to ensure they get a fair price for their produce.
Jan Kalyan Abhiyan is a campaign focused on the welfare and development of people, ensuring they receive necessary services and benefits.
Youth Day in India is celebrated on January 12th to honor the birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda, a great spiritual leader and thinker.
Surya Namaskar, or Sun Salutation, is a series of yoga poses performed in a sequence to show respect to the sun and improve physical health.
Swami Vivekananda was a famous Indian monk known for his teachings on spirituality and his role in introducing Indian philosophies to the Western world.
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