In Ramban, Jammu and Kashmir, the Northern Railway has successfully conducted a speed trial on the Katra-Banihal railway section. This development is expected to resolve connectivity issues for residents near the Sangaldan railway station, allowing them to travel directly to various parts of India.
Residents are optimistic about the new rail link. A local expressed excitement, stating that the rail link will transform the area by making it easier for tourists to visit. The ability to travel directly to cities like Delhi and Kolkata is seen as a significant benefit.
The speed trial was overseen by the Commissioner of Railways Safety and is part of the Udhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla Rail Link (USBRL). The new train link will connect Katra with the Gool tehsil of Ramban district, improving access to Udhampur and Jammu.
Union Minister Jitendra Singh recently held a "Public Durbar" to discuss infrastructure development in Ramban. He highlighted the Syama Prasad Mukherjee Tunnel as a key project that has reduced travel time from Jammu to Ramban to under two hours. Singh emphasized the importance of these developments for future generations.
The Jammu-Baramulla railway line is expected to be inaugurated soon, further enhancing connectivity in the region.
This is a part of the railway line in India that connects the town of Katra to Banihal. It is important because it helps people travel more easily between these places.
Sangaldan is a small town in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir. The new railway section will help people from this town travel to other big cities more easily.
Northern Railway is one of the zones of Indian Railways. It manages the train services in the northern part of India, including the Katra-Banihal section.
This is a railway project in India that aims to connect the cities of Udhampur, Srinagar, and Baramulla. It is important for improving travel and trade in the region.
This is a person who makes sure that the railways are safe for people to travel on. They check the tracks and trains to prevent accidents.
He is a government official in India who works on projects to improve the country's infrastructure, like roads and railways.
This is a long tunnel in India that helps reduce travel time by allowing vehicles to pass through mountains instead of going around them. It is named after an important Indian leader.
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