Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu Speaks Directly to the People of Iran

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu Speaks Directly to the People of Iran

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu Speaks Directly to the People of Iran

Tel Aviv, Israel – On September 30, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the people of Iran in a heartfelt video message. He spoke about the oppressive nature of the Iranian regime and its negative impact on their lives.

In his message, Netanyahu said, “I speak a lot about the leaders of Iran. Yet at this pivotal moment, I want to address you – the people of Iran. I want to do so directly, without filters, without middlemen. Every day, you see a regime that subjugates you, make fiery speeches about defending Lebanon, defending Gaza. Yet every day, that regime plunges our region deeper into darkness and deeper into war.”

Netanyahu highlighted the disconnection between the Iranian regime’s priorities and the needs of its people. He noted, “The vast majority of Iranians know their regime doesn’t care a whit about them. If it did care, if it cared about you, it would stop wasting billions of dollars on futile wars across the Middle East. It would start improving your lives.”

He urged the Iranian populace to imagine a future where resources wasted on war and nuclear ambitions are redirected toward education, healthcare, and infrastructure. “Imagine if all the vast money the regime wasted on nuclear weapons and foreign wars were invested in your children’s education, in improving your healthcare, in building your nation’s infrastructure, water, sewage, all the other things that you need. Imagine that.”

The Prime Minister asserted that a future free Iran could flourish, stating, “When Iran is finally free, and that moment will come a lot sooner than people think – everything will be different. Our two ancient peoples, the Jewish people and the Persian people, will finally be at peace.”

He emphasised the opportunities for global investment, tourism, and technological innovation that could arise. “Doesn’t that sound better than endless poverty, repression and war?” he asked.

Netanyahu concluded with a message of solidarity, saying, “The people of Iran should know – Israel stands with you. May we together know a future of prosperity and peace.”

His remarks came in the wake of significant tensions in the region, particularly following the death of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah in a precision strike by Israeli Defence Forces (IDF). Netanyahu described Nasrallah as “the main engine of Iran’s axis of evil,” stating, “If someone rises up to kill you, kill him first. Yesterday, the State of Israel eliminated the arch-murderer Hassan Nasrallah.”

He emphasised that the elimination of Nasrallah was crucial for ensuring Israel’s security and for the safe return of hostages. In a statement, the IDF confirmed the targeting of Nasrallah during airstrikes in Beirut, stating, “Hassan Nasrallah will no longer be able to terrorise the world.”

The Prime Minister reaffirmed Israel’s determination to continue defending its citizens and addressing threats posed by Iran and its proxies, underscoring that “there is no place in Iran or the Middle East that the long arm of Israel cannot reach.”

Doubts Revealed

Israeli Prime Minister -: The Prime Minister is the leader of the government in Israel, a country in the Middle East. Benjamin Netanyahu is the person who holds this position.

Iran -: Iran is a country in the Middle East, near India. It has a different government and culture compared to Israel.

oppressive nature -: This means that the government in Iran is very strict and controls many aspects of people’s lives, making it hard for them to be free.

regime -: A regime is the government in power. In this context, it refers to the current leaders of Iran.

resources -: Resources are things like money, time, and materials that can be used to improve people’s lives, like building schools or hospitals.

education -: Education means learning and going to school. It helps people gain knowledge and skills.

healthcare -: Healthcare is the system that helps people stay healthy, like doctors, hospitals, and medicines.

infrastructure -: Infrastructure includes things like roads, bridges, and buildings that help a country function well.

solidarity -: Solidarity means standing together with someone and supporting them, especially in difficult times.

prosperity -: Prosperity means being successful and having a lot of good things, like money, health, and happiness.

Hezbollah -: Hezbollah is a group in the Middle East that has been involved in conflicts with Israel. They have their own leaders and fighters.

Hassan Nasrallah -: Hassan Nasrallah was the leader of Hezbollah. He was an important figure in the group.

airstrike -: An airstrike is when military planes drop bombs on a target. In this case, it was done by Israel.

security -: Security means being safe and protected from danger. Netanyahu said the airstrike was important for Israel’s safety.

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