The Director General-level talks between India's Border Security Force (BSF) and Bangladesh's Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) are scheduled to take place in New Delhi from February 17 to 20. The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) spokesperson, Randhir Jaiswal, highlighted that the discussions will address all border-related issues and stress the importance of honoring mutually agreed Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) and agreements. These agreements are crucial for structured engagements and the development of security and trade infrastructure along the border.
On January 22, a sector commander-level coordination meeting was held at the Sonamasjid border outpost in Bangladesh. This meeting aimed to ensure peace and cooperation along the Indo-Bangladesh border. It was led by Deputy Inspector General of the BSF Malda Sector, Tarun Kumar Gautam, and Commander of the BGB Rajshahi Sector, Colonel Mohammad Imran Ibne Rouf, with participation from battalion commanders and staff officers from both forces.
India has expressed concern over the ongoing conflict in parts of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), where a significant Indian community resides. Approximately 25,000 Indian nationals live in the DRC, including about 1,000 in the conflict-affected city of Goma. Most have moved to safer areas, and the Indian Embassy has issued an advisory with helpline numbers for assistance.
DRC President Felix Tshisekedi has vowed a "vigorous" military response against Rwandan-backed fighters who have advanced in the mineral-rich east of the country. In a recent address, he emphasized a coordinated response against these rebels and their sponsors.
These are high-level meetings between top officials from India and Bangladesh to discuss important issues, like border security and cooperation.
This is a specific location along the India-Bangladesh border where officials meet to discuss and ensure peace and security.
This is the boundary line that separates India and Bangladesh, and it's important to keep it peaceful and secure.
This is a country in Africa where there is currently a conflict, and India is concerned because many Indians live there.
He is the President of the Democratic Republic of Congo, and he is working to stop the rebels causing trouble in his country.
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