On Good Governance Day, Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel honored former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee's legacy by launching new initiatives to promote transparency and progress in Gujarat. Inspired by Vajpayee's words, "Let us light a lamp where darkness still prevails," CM Patel introduced the "Mari Yojana" digital platform, offering information on over 680 government schemes. The "SWAGAT 2.0" system and mobile app were also launched to efficiently handle citizen complaints, with automatic escalation for unresolved issues.
Additionally, a Semiconductor Training Center was inaugurated at Pandit Deendayal Energy University to train 1,000 youths in semiconductor skills. Under Bharat Net Phase-2, efforts are underway to improve rural connectivity, linking 40,000 government institutions and providing 25,000 Fiber-to-the-Home connections. The country's first space observatory in Bhuj and the largest CDK24 telescope were also launched.
Gujarat's state page on the i-GOT Karmayogi portal was introduced for government employee training, and Citizen Civic Centers were opened in 34 municipalities. The "Connect Gujar@t" campaign was launched to inform citizens about government initiatives and gather feedback. CM Patel emphasized the importance of technology-driven governance, inspired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi's vision.
The event also marked the 150th birth anniversary of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, the 75th anniversary of the Constitution, and the 100th birth anniversary of Atal Bihari Vajpayee. MoUs were signed with various organizations to further good governance efforts.
Gujarat CM stands for Gujarat Chief Minister. The Chief Minister is the head of the government in the Indian state of Gujarat.
Good Governance Day is celebrated in India to honor the birth anniversary of former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee. It focuses on promoting transparency and accountability in government.
Bhupendra Patel is the current Chief Minister of Gujarat, a state in India. He is responsible for leading the state government and implementing policies.
Atal Bihari Vajpayee was a former Prime Minister of India known for his leadership and efforts to improve governance in the country.
Mari Yojana is a platform that provides information about 680 government schemes in Gujarat. It helps people understand and access various benefits offered by the government.
SWAGAT 2.0 is an improved system for handling complaints in Gujarat. It aims to make it easier for people to report issues and get them resolved by the government.
A Semiconductor Training Center is a place where people can learn about semiconductors, which are materials used in electronic devices like computers and smartphones.
MoUs stands for Memorandums of Understanding. These are agreements between parties to work together on certain projects or initiatives.
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