The population of the six Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries has grown to 57.6 million in 2023, up from 56.6 million in 2022. Males make up 62.4% of the population, while females account for 37.6%. The population density is 23.9 people per square kilometer across the GCC's 2.4 million square kilometers.
The GCC Statistical Centre has released the ninth edition of the Atlas of GCC Statistics for 2024. This Atlas includes statistical maps, data dashboards, and interactive information, linking data to geographical locations to aid in planning and development.
Jassim Mohammed Al Budaiwi, Secretary-General of the GCC, emphasized the importance of statistics in planning and development. Intisar bint Abdullah Al Wahibiah, Director-General of the GCC Statistical Centre, highlighted the innovative integration of statistical indicators with geographic information in the Atlas.
The workforce in the GCC reached 33.1 million in 2023, with 45 million people of working age. The marriage rate was 4.7 per 1,000 people, and the divorce rate was 1.8 per 1,000. In education, 712,400 children were in early education, and 8.9 million students were in schools during the 2021-2022 academic year.
The GCC had 843 government hospitals in 2022, with 122,100 hospital beds. There were 29.6 physicians and 61.2 nurses per 10,000 residents. Rainfall increased by 18.8% from 2000 to 2022, with 214.1 billion cubic meters recorded in 2022. Desalinated water production grew by 9% annually.
The GCC's trade volume reached USD 1.482 trillion in 2023, with commodity exports at USD 823.1 billion. The nominal GDP was USD 2.113 trillion, with a 3.5% decrease in growth rate. Inflation was 2.2% in 2023.
Tourism saw 68.1 million visitors in 2023, with 10,900 hotel establishments and 696,600 rooms. The GCC had 5.5 million fixed phone lines and 94.9 million mobile subscriptions.
GCC stands for Gulf Cooperation Council, which is a group of countries in the Middle East. These countries work together on economic and political issues. The GCC includes countries like Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Qatar.
A Statistical Atlas is a collection of maps and data that show important information about a region. It helps people understand things like population, economy, and environment in that area.
The workforce refers to all the people who are working or are available to work in a country. It includes people doing different kinds of jobs to help the country grow.
Trade volume is the total amount of goods and services that are bought and sold between countries. It shows how much business is happening between different places.
Telecommunications is the technology that allows people to communicate over long distances. This includes things like mobile phones and the internet.
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