In New Delhi, the Delhi Police has detained 12 individuals from Bangladesh who were residing in various parts of south Delhi without proper identification. Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) South East, Ravi Kumar Singh, stated that these individuals were apprehended from areas such as Nizamuddin, Kalindi Kunj, Shaheen Bagh, and Sarita Vihar. They have been sent to a detention camp for further investigation. The police have a specialized Bangladeshi cell that has verified around 1,200 people and will continue to do so as more information becomes available.
In a separate case, the Delhi Police arrested six individuals following complaints about fake identification cards. The Electoral registration officer filed two complaints against eight people. DCP Singh mentioned that two FIRs were lodged, leading to the arrest of a cyber cafe owner and five others, including two middlemen. The cyber cafe owner was involved in creating fake voter ID cards using fraudulent electricity bills. The investigation is ongoing, and the police are actively addressing such cases.
Delhi Police is the law enforcement agency responsible for maintaining law and order in the city of Delhi, the capital of India.
Bangladesh nationals are people who are citizens of Bangladesh, a neighboring country of India.
A detention camp is a place where people are held temporarily, often because they do not have the right documents to stay in a country.
DCP stands for Deputy Commissioner of Police, a senior rank in the police force responsible for overseeing law enforcement in a specific area.
Nizamuddin and Shaheen Bagh are areas in South Delhi, known for their diverse communities and historical significance.
FIR stands for First Information Report, a document prepared by the police when they receive information about a crime.
An Electoral Registration Officer is a person responsible for managing the voter registration process in a specific area.
A Voter ID is an identification card issued to citizens of India, allowing them to vote in elections.
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