The Anti-Narcotics Squad of the South-East District Police in New Delhi has successfully apprehended two drug peddlers, including an illegal Bangladeshi migrant, recovering 768.8 grams of heroin valued at Rs 8 crore. The accused are identified as Hamidul, a 23-year-old illegal migrant, and his maternal aunt, Naseema.
Acting on intelligence inputs, the police conducted a raid in Jangpura Extension, Delhi. During the raid, Hamidul was arrested, and 75 grams of high-quality heroin were found at his residence. Further interrogation revealed that Naseema was the supplier. A subsequent raid at her residence led to the recovery of 80 grams of heroin, although she was initially absconding.
Naseema was later arrested at a hotel in Sunlight Colony, where an additional 693 grams of heroin were found. Hamidul, who had been unemployed, entered the drug trade for quick money and had been in India for only three months. Both Hamidul and Naseema have no prior criminal records. A case under the NDPS Act has been registered, and investigations into the broader drug network are ongoing.
A Bangladeshi migrant is a person from Bangladesh who has moved to another country, in this case, India, to live there. Sometimes, people move without legal permission, which makes them illegal migrants.
Heroin is a very dangerous and illegal drug that can harm people. It is often sold secretly and is against the law to use or sell.
The Anti-Narcotics Squad is a special team of police officers who work to stop the illegal sale and use of drugs. They try to catch people who sell drugs and keep communities safe.
Jangpura Extension is a neighborhood in New Delhi, the capital city of India. It is one of the places where the police conducted their raid.
Sunlight Colony is another area in New Delhi where the police arrested Naseema. It is part of the city where people live and work.
The NDPS Act stands for the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act. It is a law in India that makes it illegal to produce, sell, or use certain drugs, including heroin.
Rs 8 crore is a way to say 8 crore rupees, which is a large amount of money in India. It shows how much the heroin was worth if it was sold illegally.
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