In Chennai, Tamil Nadu, BJP National Spokesperson CR Kesavan criticized the Congress and Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha, Rahul Gandhi, as Prime Minister Narendra Modi prepares to lay the foundation stone for Veer Savarkar College at Delhi University. Kesavan described this as a "befitting" tribute to Veer Savarkar, a prominent patriot and nationalist. He praised Savarkar's bravery against British rule, highlighting his enduring inspiration for future generations.
Kesavan responded to Congress's criticism of naming the college after Savarkar, suggesting they should question Rahul Gandhi's stance. He accused Gandhi of spreading falsehoods about Savarkar and contrasted Gandhi's legal troubles with Savarkar's 27 years of captivity. Congress MP Syed Naseer Hussain criticized the decision, suggesting the college should honor other freedom fighters instead.
Additionally, PM Modi will visit new flats for Jhuggi Jhopri cluster residents and inaugurate various development projects in Delhi.
CR Kesavan is a politician from the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in India. He is known for his views and statements on political matters.
Congress, or the Indian National Congress, is one of the major political parties in India. It has a long history and has been involved in India's freedom struggle and governance.
Rahul Gandhi is a prominent leader of the Indian National Congress. He is part of the Nehru-Gandhi family, which has been influential in Indian politics.
PM Modi refers to Narendra Modi, the current Prime Minister of India. He is a member of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and has been in office since 2014.
Veer Savarkar was an Indian freedom fighter and nationalist. He is known for his role in the Indian independence movement and his writings on Hindutva.
Delhi University is a prestigious university located in New Delhi, India. It is known for its high academic standards and diverse range of courses.
Syed Naseer Hussain is a Member of Parliament (MP) from the Indian National Congress. He represents the party in various political discussions and debates.
BJP stands for Bharatiya Janata Party, which is a major political party in India. It is currently the ruling party and is known for its nationalist policies.
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