Chinmoy Krishna Das Brahmmachari, a spokesperson for the Bangladesh Sammilit Sanatani Jagran Jote, has applied for bail in the High Court of Bangladesh. He faces charges of sedition for allegedly insulting the national flag. His initial bail request was denied by a lower court in Chittagong on January 2. Chinmoy's lawyer, Apurba Kumar Bhattachariya, confirmed that they applied to the High Court on January 12 and are awaiting a hearing, which is expected to occur next week. Chinmoy was arrested at Dhaka airport on November 25 of the previous year. During the bail hearing, his lawyer argued that Chinmoy respects his country deeply and is not a traitor. The bail was denied by Metropolitan Sessions Judge Md Saiful Islam after considering arguments from both sides.
Chinmoy Krishna Das is a person who is involved in a legal case in Bangladesh. He is a spokesperson for a group called Bangladesh Sammilit Sanatani Jagran Jote.
Bail is when someone who is in jail asks the court to let them go home while they wait for their trial. They promise to come back to court when they are supposed to.
Sedition is when someone is accused of doing something that could harm their country or government. In this case, it means Chinmoy is accused of insulting the national flag of Bangladesh.
This is a group in Bangladesh that Chinmoy Krishna Das is a spokesperson for. It seems to be related to cultural or religious activities.
The High Court is a big and important court in Bangladesh where serious legal cases are heard. Chinmoy's lawyer is asking this court to let him out on bail.
Chittagong court is a local court in the city of Chittagong, Bangladesh. It was the first court to hear Chinmoy's bail request, but they said no.
Apurba Kumar Bhattachariya is the lawyer who is helping Chinmoy Krishna Das with his legal case. A lawyer is someone who helps people with legal problems.
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