In Chattogram, Bangladesh, a court has denied bail to Chinmoy Krishna Das, a former leader of ISKCON, during a hearing held under tight security. The decision was made by Chattogram Metropolitan Sessions Judge Md Saiful Islam after a 30-minute session. The hearing involved 11 Supreme Court lawyers, including Apurba Kumar Bhattacharjee, who represented Chinmoy. Bhattacharjee stated that he was authorized to move the case without local lawyer approval.
The bail hearing was initially scheduled for January 2, following a December 3 court decision, due to a lack of representation for Chinmoy. The charges against him involve sedition, related to an incident on October 25 where he allegedly raised a saffron flag above Bangladesh's national flag in Chittagong. His arrest on November 25 led to protests and violent clashes, resulting in a lawyer's death on November 27.
Further unrest occurred with the arrest of two monks, Adipurush Shyam Das and Ranganath Das Brahmachari, on November 29 after visiting Chinmoy. ISKCON's Vice President, Radha Raman, reported vandalism at an ISKCON center during the turmoil. The Ministry of External Affairs expressed concern over the violence and extremist rhetoric, highlighting ongoing discussions with Dhaka about attacks on minorities.
Chinmoy Krishna Das is a person who used to be a leader in ISKCON, which is a religious organization that follows the teachings of Lord Krishna.
Bail is when someone who is arrested can pay money to be released from jail until their trial. If bail is denied, the person has to stay in jail until the trial.
Chattogram is a city in Bangladesh, which is a country next to India. It is one of the largest cities in Bangladesh.
Sedition charges are serious accusations that someone is trying to cause trouble against the government. It means the person is accused of doing something that could harm the country's peace and order.
A saffron flag is often associated with Hinduism and is a symbol of the religion. In this case, it was allegedly raised above the national flag of Bangladesh, which is considered disrespectful.
ISKCON stands for the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. It is a religious group that follows the teachings of Lord Krishna and has many followers around the world.
The Ministry of External Affairs is a part of the government in India that deals with the country's relationships with other countries. They expressed concern about the violence happening in Bangladesh.
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