In Bhubaneswar, Odisha, BJP Lok Sabha MP Pratap Sarangi spoke about a scuffle that occurred on December 19 at the Parliament's Makar Dwar gate. Sarangi criticized Congress leader Rahul Gandhi for the incident, during which Sarangi was injured. After receiving treatment, Sarangi returned to Odisha and shared that doctors were surprised his eye was unharmed.
Sarangi explained that BJP MPs were peacefully protesting against Congress's alleged disrespect towards Dr. BR Ambedkar. Congress MPs, led by Rahul Gandhi, arrived, and according to Sarangi, no BJP MPs resisted them. Gandhi allegedly pushed BJP MP Mukesh Rajput, who then fell onto Sarangi, causing Sarangi's head to hit a wall.
Sarangi suffered a deep cut on his forehead, and Rajput fell unconscious due to high blood pressure. Both were admitted to the ICU at Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital. The BJP accused Gandhi of aggression, and an FIR was filed against him by Delhi police. Congress MPs also filed complaints, claiming Gandhi was manhandled by BJP MPs.
BJP stands for Bharatiya Janata Party, which is one of the major political parties in India. It is known for its nationalist policies and is currently the ruling party in India.
MP stands for Member of Parliament. In India, MPs are elected representatives who make laws and policies for the country. They work in the Parliament, which is like a big meeting place for discussing important issues.
Pratap Sarangi is a politician from India who is a member of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). He serves as a Member of Parliament, representing the people in the government.
Rahul Gandhi is a leader of the Indian National Congress, another major political party in India. He comes from a family with a long history in Indian politics.
A scuffle in Parliament means there was a physical fight or altercation between people in the Parliament building. This is unusual because Parliament is usually a place for peaceful discussions.
Makar Dwar gate is one of the entrances to the Indian Parliament building. It is named after 'Makar', which means 'crocodile' in Hindi, and 'Dwar', which means 'gate'.
FIR stands for First Information Report. It is a document prepared by the police in India when they receive information about a crime. It is the first step in the legal process to investigate the crime.
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