The Bhiwani Police have arrested Hanuman, the father of the accused Rahul, in connection with the Loharu student suicide case. A committee has been formed by the District Deputy Commissioner of Bhiwani to investigate the allegations against the college. The committee includes the sub-divisional officer of Loharu, Deputy Superintendent of Police, Loharu, and the District Higher Education Officer of Bhiwani.
The case involves the tragic death of a Dalit girl in Haryana, who allegedly took her own life due to pressure to pay college fees and alleged coercion by college authorities to engage in a physical relationship with the college Director's son. Haryana Minister Gaurav Gautam has called for an inquiry and assured that justice will be served.
Haryana Social Justice and Empowerment Minister Krishan Bedi has accused the college, run by a Congress politician, of pressuring the girl. He claims that the college's director is related to Congress MLA Rajbir Fartia, who allegedly promised waived fees for SC students. Bedi criticized Congress leaders Kumari Selja and Randeep Singh Surjewala for allegedly misrepresenting the issue and demanded they apologize and remove their social media posts.
Bhiwani Police is the police department responsible for maintaining law and order in Bhiwani, a district in the state of Haryana, India.
Loharu is a town in the Bhiwani district of Haryana, India. It is the place where the student suicide case occurred.
Dalit is a term used in India to describe people who belong to the lowest caste in the traditional Hindu caste system. They have historically faced discrimination and social disadvantages.
Gaurav Gautam is a political leader and minister in the state government of Haryana, India. He is involved in the inquiry of the student suicide case.
Krishan Bedi is another political leader and minister in Haryana, India. He has accused Congress leaders of misrepresenting the student suicide case.
Congress leaders are members of the Indian National Congress, a major political party in India. They have been accused of misrepresenting the student suicide case.
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