Indian basketball player Poonam Chaturvedi, who is Asia's tallest basketball player at 7 feet, visited the Mahakaleshwar temple in Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh. On Friday, she offered prayers and sought blessings like a regular visitor by taking a darshan ticket.
Assistant Administrator of the temple management committee, Prateek Dwivedi, recognized her at the exit gate and invited her to the control room. There, he honored her by presenting a picture of Baba Mahakal and prasad.
The Mahakaleshwar temple management committee allows celebrities and players to have darshan from Nandi hall under the protocol, but Poonam Chaturvedi chose to worship like a normal visitor.
Chaturvedi, an international basketball player representing India, has mentioned her height and achievements in her Instagram bio.
Many celebrities and players visit Mahakaleshwar temple to take blessings and participate in the famous Bhasma Aarti ritual, performed during the Brahma Muhurta between 3:30 and 5:30 in the morning. According to religious beliefs, the wishes of devotees participating in the Bhasma Aarti are fulfilled.
The temple priest explained that the doors of Baba Mahakal open in the Brahma Muhurta, followed by a holy bath with Panchamrit, and then the Bhasma Aarti is performed with drums and conch shells.
Poonam Chaturvedi is a famous Indian basketball player. She is known for being the tallest female basketball player in Asia, standing at 7 feet tall.
Mahakaleshwar Temple is a famous Hindu temple located in Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh. It is dedicated to Lord Shiva and is known for its special rituals.
Ujjain is a city in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh. It is known for its ancient temples and rich history.
An Assistant Administrator is a person who helps manage and organize activities at a place, like a temple. In this case, Prateek Dwivedi is the Assistant Administrator of Mahakaleshwar Temple.
Baba Mahakal is another name for Lord Shiva, who is worshipped at the Mahakaleshwar Temple.
Prasad is a religious offering given to devotees in Hindu temples. It is usually food that has been blessed.
Bhasma Aarti is a special ritual performed at the Mahakaleshwar Temple early in the morning. It involves offering sacred ash to Lord Shiva.
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