In Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh, the city is buzzing with excitement for the Deepotsav festival. Superintendent of Police Madhuban Singh has ensured tight security by dividing the city into 14 zones and 40 sectors. This is the first Deepotsav after the Pran Pratishtha program of Lord Shri Ram, and a large crowd is expected. Police are deployed everywhere, and traffic diversions are in place.
The city aims to set a world record by lighting 25 lakh diyas along the Saryu River, symbolizing the victory of light over darkness. Visitors are amazed by the city's beautiful decorations. A devotee shared, "It's been beautifully decorated, and great arrangements have been made all over Ayodhya."
This year's Deepotsav features 18 vibrant tableaux depicting key moments from Lord Ram's life, created by the Information and Tourism Departments. Ayodhya's Municipal Commissioner highlighted the use of degradable materials for these displays.
UP Deputy CM Brajesh Pathak expressed joy over the celebrations, noting the world will witness this divine event. He extended best wishes to the people of the state, emphasizing the significance of Lord Ram Lalla's consecration in Ayodhya.
Deepotsav is a five-day festival celebrating Lord Rama's return to Ayodhya after a 14-year exile. It highlights Ayodhya's cultural and spiritual importance, drawing millions of devotees and tourists.
Ayodhya is a city in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. It is known for being the birthplace of Lord Rama, a major deity in Hinduism.
Deepotsav is a festival of lights celebrated in Ayodhya to mark the return of Lord Rama to the city after defeating the demon king Ravana. It involves lighting many lamps or diyas.
25 lakh diyas means 2.5 million small oil lamps. These are lit to create a beautiful display of lights during the festival.
The Saryu River is a river that flows through Ayodhya. It is considered sacred in Hinduism and is associated with Lord Rama.
The Superintendent of Police is a senior police officer responsible for maintaining law and order in a district or city.
Dividing the city into zones and sectors means organizing different areas for better management and security during the festival.
Tableaux are artistic displays or scenes, often on a float, that depict stories or events. In this festival, they show scenes from Lord Ram's life.
Degradable materials are materials that can break down naturally without harming the environment. They are used to make the tableaux eco-friendly.
UP Deputy CM refers to the Deputy Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, a high-ranking government official in the state.
Lord Ram Lalla's consecration refers to a religious ceremony where a statue or idol of Lord Rama is formally dedicated and placed in a temple.
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