On Monday, Uttar Pradesh cabinet minister Om Prakash Rajbar clarified that the decision to place nameplates on eateries along the Kanwar Yatra route was introduced by the UPA government in 2006. He emphasized that the BJP and NDA government have not created any new laws but are implementing existing ones.
Rajbar highlighted the benefits of various schemes now being implemented in the state. He mentioned that under the Ayushman card, Rs 5 lakh is being provided to people for medicines. He also praised the Swachh Bharat mission for improving conditions significantly and noted the development of airports.
Earlier, BJP MP Arun Govil supported the Uttar Pradesh government's directive for food shops on the Kanwar route to display the owners' names. He stated, "I don't find anything wrong in this order. Displaying names on the shops is not wrong. The person who is eating has the right to know from where they are eating."
On July 20, the Uttar Pradesh government issued directives for food shops on the Kanwar route to display the owners' names, which was criticized by opposition parties citing religious discrimination.
Uttar Pradesh is a state in northern India. It is one of the most populous states in the country.
Om Prakash Rajbar is a politician and a minister in the government of Uttar Pradesh.
The nameplate law refers to a rule that requires food shops to display the names of their owners on nameplates.
Kanwar Yatra is a religious pilgrimage in India where devotees of Lord Shiva travel to collect holy water from the Ganges River.
UPA stands for United Progressive Alliance, a coalition of political parties in India that was in power from 2004 to 2014.
BJP stands for Bharatiya Janata Party, a major political party in India that is currently in power.
NDA stands for National Democratic Alliance, a coalition of political parties in India led by the BJP.
The Ayushman card is part of a health insurance scheme in India that provides free medical treatment to poor families.
Swachh Bharat mission is a campaign in India aimed at cleaning up streets, roads, and infrastructure to improve sanitation.
Arun Govil is an actor and a Member of Parliament (MP) from the BJP. He is famous for playing Lord Rama in a popular TV series.
Religious discrimination means treating people unfairly because of their religion. In this context, it refers to claims that the nameplate law might unfairly target certain religious groups.
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