US Secretary of State Antony Blinken Welcomes Muhammad Yunus as Interim Leader of Bangladesh

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken Welcomes Muhammad Yunus as Interim Leader of Bangladesh

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken Welcomes Muhammad Yunus as Interim Leader of Bangladesh

Washington DC [US], August 10: US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Saturday welcomed the swearing-in of Muhammad Yunus as the leader of the interim government in Bangladesh. Blinken expressed the US’ support for Yunus’s call for calm and peace, emphasizing their commitment to working with Bangladesh as it pursues a democratic and prosperous future for its people.

I welcome the swearing in of Dr. Muhammad Yunus to lead the interim government in Bangladesh. The United States supports his call for calm and peace and remains committed to working with Bangladesh as it charts a democratic and prosperous future the people in Bangladesh.

— Secretary Antony Blinken (@SecBlinken), August 9, 2024

Earlier on Friday, people who have come from Bangladesh to India expressed optimism about the interim government’s ability to stabilize the country, though concerns about minority safety persisted. Shazia Sultana, who traveled from Nilphamari, Bangladesh, to Fulbari Land Customs Station in Jalpaiguri, said she believed the situation would improve with the interim government in place. “Interim Government has been formed in Bangladesh. So, I feel that everything will be fine,” she said.

Another traveler, Mohd Shaheen Sarkar, noted that they had come to India after witnessing significant turmoil in Bangladesh. The ongoing political crisis and violence in Bangladesh have drawn international condemnation.

The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), through its Akhil Bharatiya Prachar Pramukh, Sunil Ambekar, on Friday condemned the recent violence targeting minority communities, including Hindus and Buddhists. Sunil Ambekar said that the RSS condemned the recent violence against minority communities, including Hindus and Buddhists in Bangladesh. He further stated that the violence has included targeted killings, looting, arson, and attacks on temples and religious places.

On Friday, approximately 1,000 individuals, reportedly Bangladeshi nationals, approached the India-Bangladesh border in Coochbehar District, West Bengal, seeking refuge. The Border Security Force (BSF) quickly coordinated with the Border Guards Bangladesh (BGB) to manage the situation, ensuring that the Bangladeshi nationals were taken back without escalating tensions.

Doubts Revealed

US Secretary of State -: The US Secretary of State is a high-ranking official in the United States government who handles foreign affairs. Antony Blinken is the current person in this role.

Antony Blinken -: Antony Blinken is the name of the person who is the US Secretary of State. He helps manage the United States’ relationships with other countries.

Muhammad Yunus -: Muhammad Yunus is a famous person from Bangladesh who won the Nobel Peace Prize for his work in helping poor people through small loans. He is now leading the interim government in Bangladesh.

Interim Leader -: An interim leader is someone who temporarily takes charge of a country or organization until a permanent leader is chosen.

Bangladesh -: Bangladesh is a country in South Asia, located to the east of India. It has a lot of people and is known for its rich culture and history.

Democratic future -: A democratic future means a future where the people of a country have the power to choose their leaders through voting in free and fair elections.

RSS -: RSS stands for Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh. It is an Indian organization that promotes Hindu values and culture.

BSF -: BSF stands for Border Security Force. It is an Indian paramilitary force that guards India’s borders.

Minority safety -: Minority safety refers to the protection and well-being of smaller groups of people in a country who might be different in religion, language, or culture from the majority of the population.

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