In Balurghat, West Bengal, Union Minister Sukanta Majumdar criticized Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee for her claims that the Border Security Force (BSF) was helping infiltrators from Bangladesh enter the state. Majumdar accused Banerjee of using these infiltrators as a vote bank for her party, the Trinamool Congress (TMC), and claimed that TMC was only focused on forming the government.
Majumdar stated, "During the 2021 Assembly elections, she instigated attacks on Central forces. If it were Pakistan forces, she would have welcomed them. The terrorists entering the country are her vote bank, working to secure Muslim votes for her. Meanwhile, 10 to 15 percent of Hindus vote for her without considering their future. TMC is only interested in forming the government, not the country's welfare."
On the other hand, CM Mamata Banerjee, during a State Administrative Review Meeting in Kolkata, accused the BSF of allowing militants and infiltrators from Bangladesh to enter West Bengal, causing regional disruptions. She claimed this was part of a "blueprint" from the central government and emphasized that the TMC was not responsible for these actions.
Banerjee further accused the BSF of committing atrocities against women and reiterated that the border security was not in TMC's hands but the BSF's. She stated that the central government had been informed of her concerns and that TMC would protest against any actions that allowed militants to disrupt peace in the state.
A Union Minister is a member of the central government in India who is in charge of a specific department or ministry, like education or health.
Sukanta Majumdar is a politician in India who is part of the central government and belongs to the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).
West Bengal CM refers to the Chief Minister of West Bengal, who is the head of the government in the Indian state of West Bengal.
Mamata Banerjee is a well-known Indian politician and the Chief Minister of West Bengal. She is the leader of the Trinamool Congress (TMC) party.
BSF stands for Border Security Force, which is a paramilitary force in India responsible for guarding the country's borders, especially with Pakistan and Bangladesh.
Infiltrators are people who enter a country secretly or illegally, often to cause harm or to live there without permission.
A vote bank is a group of voters who are loyal to a particular political party or leader, often because of shared interests or benefits.
TMC stands for Trinamool Congress, which is a political party in India, mainly active in the state of West Bengal.
Militants are people who use strong, sometimes violent actions to support a cause or achieve a goal, often related to politics or religion.
Atrocities are extremely cruel or violent acts, often causing harm to people, especially during conflicts or wars.
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