In Peshawar, Pakistan, a violent incident occurred in the Tehkal area, resulting in the deaths of five individuals and injuries to six others. The clash involved two parties with a history of personal enmity, according to Senior Superintendent of Police Kashif Zulfiqar. The confrontation happened as one group was returning from a wedding and encountered the other near a bridge. Warsak Superintendent of Police Mukhtiar Khan confirmed the exchange of gunfire, which was linked to past conflicts over property and previous murders. Despite a police search, no arrests have been made yet.
In a related incident in December, five people, including three family members and two bystanders, were killed in Academy Town. The attackers, who were close relatives of the victims, had a blood feud. One suspect, Saboor, was arrested, while others escaped. Additionally, in November, seven people were killed in two separate incidents in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa. The first involved a dispute over a pathway in Batkhela, and the second occurred in the Kurram tribal district, where unidentified assailants targeted a bus.
Peshawar is a city in Pakistan. It is one of the oldest cities in the country and is known for its rich history and culture.
Tehkal is a neighborhood in Peshawar, Pakistan. It is a specific area within the city where the shooting incident took place.
A shooting is when someone uses a gun to hurt or kill people. In this incident, two groups of people used guns against each other.
Personal enmity means a strong feeling of dislike or hatred between people. In this case, the two groups had a history of not getting along, which led to the violence.
A police investigation is when the police try to find out what happened in a crime. They look for clues and talk to people to understand the incident better.
Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa is a province in Pakistan. It is located in the northwestern part of the country and has experienced similar violent incidents.
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