In Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, a tragic stampede at the Tirupati Temple resulted in the death of six people and injuries to 40 others. The incident has sparked criticism of the Chandrababu Naidu government. Former TTD Chairman Bhuma Karunakar Reddy blamed the government for administrative failures, questioning the lack of proper arrangements for the Vaikuntha Ekadashi Darshan, despite the expected large turnout of devotees.
Bhuma Karunakar Reddy accused the ruling party of turning the TTD into a political hub and neglecting devotees' welfare. He criticized the lack of coordination among officials and accused the Tirupati SP of acting politically rather than focusing on safety. He demanded an inquiry into ticket mismanagement and called for action against responsible officials.
Former Minister Velampalli Srinivas also criticized the government for failing to manage the Mukkoti Ekadashi event, holding them accountable for the deaths. He accused the TTD Chairman of prioritizing VIP services over devotees' welfare and called for strict action against those responsible.
Former Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy expressed shock and grief over the incident, urging the government to provide medical care for the injured and restore order. The state government assured that arrangements are in place for the upcoming Vaikunth Ekadasi event, with police deployed and 1.2 lakh tickets sold for the Vaikunta Dwara Darshanam.
A stampede is when a large group of people start running in a panic, often causing people to fall and get hurt. It can happen in crowded places when people feel scared or rushed.
Tirupati Temple is a famous Hindu temple located in the state of Andhra Pradesh, India. It is one of the most visited religious sites in the world, dedicated to Lord Venkateswara.
TTD stands for Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams, which is the organization that manages the Tirupati Temple and its activities. They are responsible for the temple's administration and the welfare of the devotees.
Chandrababu Naidu is a politician in India who has served as the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh. He is a member of the Telugu Desam Party (TDP).
YS Jagan Mohan Reddy is the current Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh. He is a member of the Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party (YSRCP).
Vaikunth Ekadasi is a special day for Hindus, celebrated with prayers and fasting. It is believed that on this day, the gates of Vaikuntha (heaven) are open, and devotees seek blessings from Lord Vishnu.
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