In a tragic incident in New Delhi, a 16-year-old boy from Nehru Vihar, Mustafabad, was fatally stabbed by a group of boys. The police received the report at 8:30 AM and the boy was rushed to Jag Pravesh Hospital, where he was declared dead. The Dayalpur Police have registered a case and are investigating to find the culprits.
Earlier, on November 1, a 38-year-old property dealer named Gagan Oberoi was also stabbed to death by a group in the Hastsal Road area of West Delhi. He was taken to Mata Chanan Devi Hospital but succumbed to his injuries due to severe blood loss. A case has been registered under Section 109(1) and 3(5) of the BNS.
The police are actively working on both cases to bring justice to the victims and their families.
Stabbings are when someone is hurt with a sharp object like a knife. It is a very serious and dangerous act.
Nehru Vihar is a neighborhood in Mustafabad, which is an area in New Delhi, the capital city of India.
Jag Pravesh Hospital is a hospital in New Delhi where people go to get medical help when they are sick or injured.
Dayalpur Police is the police department responsible for maintaining law and order in the Dayalpur area of New Delhi.
A property dealer is someone who helps people buy, sell, or rent houses and land.
Mata Chanan Devi Hospital is another hospital in New Delhi where people receive medical treatment.
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