A tragic event unfolded at Antioch High School in Nashville, Tennessee, on Wednesday morning. A shooting in the school cafeteria resulted in the death of a female student and injuries to two others. The incident occurred at 11:09 am local time, involving a 17-year-old suspect named Solomon Henderson, who fired multiple shots before taking his own life.
One male student suffered a graze wound to the arm and was treated and released, while another sustained a facial injury but was not shot. The victims' names have not been disclosed.
Following the incident, the school was cleared by the police SWAT team. Metro Nashville Public Schools has made counselors available to support students and families affected by the tragedy.
Antioch High School, located about 10 miles southeast of downtown Nashville, serves around 2,000 students. At the time of the shooting, two student resource officers were present in the school but were not in the immediate vicinity of the cafeteria.
The Nashville Fire Department, Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, and other agencies responded to the scene. Democratic Tennessee State Representative Justin Jones expressed his concern over the ongoing threat of gun violence and called for political action to prevent such tragedies.
Antioch High School is a school in Nashville, Tennessee, USA. It has about 2,000 students and is located southeast of downtown Nashville.
Nashville is a city in the state of Tennessee in the United States. It is known for its music scene, especially country music.
Gun violence refers to incidents where people use guns to harm others. It is a serious issue in many places, including the United States.
Justin Jones is a politician who represents part of Tennessee in the government. He is concerned about gun violence and wants to take action to prevent it.
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